Results for 'Adolph Gonzales Moishe'

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  1.  68
    Against the Post-Marxist Pseudo-Left.Moishe Gonzales - 1986 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1986 (69):157-161.
    The main feature of Whitebook's reply is that he does not give an inch and, more convinced than ever, keeps charging the windmills of redemption and revolution with the same lame theoretical weapons he had previously deployed. Only this time, he seeks reinforcements by appealing to the “heavies”: Habermas, Castoriadis and Heller. Since multiplying zero by any figure still yields zero, no substantive progress has been made. It would be futile to reiterate the same objections once again. Rather, to move (...)
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    Affirmative Action and its Discontents.Moishe Gonzales - 1996 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1996 (106):157-164.
    If there is life elsewhere in the universe and its level of development is as backward as its terrestrial counterpart, they will probably have sociologists and political scientists constructing and deconstructing social reality. If and when they finally make contact with earth, these pundits will have great difficulty making sense of American race relations, no matter how many studies the Federation will commission to make sense out of the subject. The earth's most developed country, whose success is largely due to (...)
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  3.  16
    The Secrets of Heller.Moishe Gonzales - 1985 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1985 (66):139-141.
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    Kellner's Critical Theory: A Reassessment.Moishe Gonzales - 1984 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1984 (62):206-209.
    Frustrated radicals who have managed, over the last 20 years of chaotic growth and revolutionary restructuring of higher education, to translate their “revolutionary rhetoric” only into tenured academic positions, tend to have an ambivalent relation to critical theory. On the one hand, they are irresistibly attracted to it. In a sophisticated scholarly fashion especially appropriate to their new professional status, critical theory addresses all those troublesome cultural questions that were becoming increasingly urgent but which traditional brands of Marxism could not (...)
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    Theoretical Amnesia.Moishe Gonzales - 1985 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1985 (65):163-170.
    Conventional wisdom has it that there is — or at least there ought to be — a correspondence between theoretical and political positions. But the very labelling of it as conventional wisdom already betrays its falsity. Sure enough, any careful examination of the record readily reveals that this correspondence hardly ever obtains. No such parallel can be drawn for the Hegelians who split into Right and Left wings with qualitatively different positions, e.g., the German Young Hegelians and the British neo-Hegelians (...)
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    (1 other version)Commentary on Tikkun.Moishe Gonzales - 1986 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1986 (69):130-138.
    With an unusually well-orchestrated PR campaign worthy of the slickest mass commodity, Tikkun presents itself as a newjewish progressive magazine to challenge Commentary. But it is well known that many progressive U.S. magazines are largely staffed by Jews and most Jewish intellectuals are generally liberal. This striking redundancy immediately raises suspicion about either its Jewish or its liberal pedigree — or both. The obvious clash between the traditional secularism of progressive thought and the archaic religious appeal casts a shadow both (...)
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  7.  28
    Class Struggle is the Name of the Game: True Confessions of a Marxist Businessman.Moishe Gonzales - 1983 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1983 (57):191-194.
  8.  15
    Jacoby's Paradox.Moishe Gonzales - 1987 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1987 (73):188-191.
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  9.  55
    Liberalism vs. Populism.Moishe Gonzales - 1998 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1998 (110):148-154.
    Terminally associated with drugs, unbridled hedonism and general irresponsibility, since the late 1960s “radicalism” has been systematically discredited. Today no one thinks of it as having anything to do with “going back to roots” but, at best, as a youthful indiscretion, usually pushed into oblivion by a 30-year mortgage, a couple of kids or, for academics, tenure. Yet the re-examination of foundations remains essential to any critical perspective seeking to transcend the immediacy of the given and to avoid a comfortable (...)
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  10.  29
    Race vs. Gender: The Post-Modern Politics of the Thomas Confirmation Hearings.Moishe Gonzales - 1991 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1991 (89):121-126.
  11.  80
    In Search of Columbo.Jerry Zaslove - 1986 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1986 (70):161-166.
    In a recent exchange on the subject of Columbo, Agnes Heller and Moishe Gonzales pitched their tents within the landscape of popular culture which was already littered with the remnants of various academic approaches to the culture industry. Neither, however, went far enough in defetishizing this icon of popular culture and, as a consequence, do not penetrate its sinister qualities. Heller in particular attempts to write a contemporary theory of history based on Columbo, but her hope of raising (...)
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  12.  33
    Of Mozart, parrots and cherry blossoms in the wind: a composer explores mysteries of the musical mind.Bruce Adolphe - 1999 - New York: Limelight Editions.
    The exhilarating mix of humor, philosophy, fact and whimsy that marks these essays derives from more than 200 lectures Bruce Adolphe has given over most of the ...
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  13.  46
    Necessity, Labor, and Time: A Reinterpretation of the Marxian Critique of Capitalism.Moishe Postone - 1978 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 45.
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  14.  71
    Critique and Historical Transformation.Moishe Postone - 2004 - Historical Materialism 12 (3):53-72.
  15.  16
    Koncepcje człowieka w kulturze Nahuatl.Irena Curyło-Gonzáles - 1984 - Etyka 21:131-149.
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  16. A Reconsideration of the Law of Supply and Demand.Adolph Lowe - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  17. The Routledge Handbook of English Language and Digital Humanities.S. Adolphs & D. Knight (eds.) - 2020
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  18. In memoriam: Eduard Heimann, 1889-1967.Adolph Lowe - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  19. The Politics of Sustainable Agriculture.Death ofRamon Gonzales - 1994 - Agriculture and Human Values 11 (4).
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  20.  34
    Jean Cohen on Marxian critical theory.Moishe Postone - 1985 - Theory and Society 14 (2):233-246.
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  21.  36
    Le sujet de l'histoire: Repenser la critique de Hegel dans l'œuvre marxienne de maturité.Moishe Postone - 2011 - Actuel Marx 50 (2):61-78.
    This article contrasts Marx’s critical appropriation of Hegel in his mature works with Georg Lukács’s brilliant interpretation of the relation of Marx and Hegel. Hegel and the Hegelian turn in Marxism, as powerfully represented by Lukács, however, have been strongly criticized in recent decades by structuralist and post-structuralist thinkers for whom concepts central to Lukács’s project, such as totality and the historical Subject, are anti-emancipatory, expressions of domination. Nevertheless, the global historical transformations of recent decades – including the crisis of (...)
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  22.  61
    Introduction.Adolph Schurr - 1981 - Idealistic Studies 11 (1):1-7.
    In order to exhibit the unity of a subject matter, the most diverse viewpoints may be taken up. Indeed, it is to be expected that the presentation of the coherence of a matter results in greater clarity and distinctness if it is regarded from various perspectives and in different aspects.
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    Evolution: the quantitative principles of progress and what they mean today.Adolph Ancrum Williamson - 1946 - New York,: Hobson Book Press.
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    Does hearing two dialects at different times help infants learn dialect-specific rules?Kalim Gonzales, LouAnn Gerken & Rebecca L. Gómez - 2015 - Cognition 140 (C):60-71.
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    La dialectique des images chez Bergson.Lydie Adolphe - 1951 - Presses universitaires de France.
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    Entretiens sur la beauté.Adolphe Boschot - 1927 - Paris,: Plon.
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  27. Dieu et l'ame. Essai d'idéalisme expérimental.Adolphe Coste - 1880 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 10:667-668.
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  28. Nowe argentyńskie czasopismo etyczne „Cuadernos de etica”.Irena Curyło-Gonzales - 1990 - Etyka 25.
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  29. Edith Stein and Erich Przywara and the Place of Love in Christian Philosophy.Philip Gonzales - 2015 - In Mette Lebech & John Haydn Gurmin (eds.), Intersubjectivity, humanity, being: Edith Stein's phenomenology and Christian philosophy. Oxford: Peter Lang.
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  30. From metaphor to image: political emblems of the Baroque.J. M. Gonzales Garcia - 2004 - Filozofia 59 (3-4):185-200.
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  31.  45
    Redes neurais e representação mental: um ensaio sobre harmonia e racionalidade.Maria Eunice Quilici Gonzales - 1991 - Trans/Form/Ação 14:93-108.
    We develop an analysis of the notion of mental representation, in the domain of visual perception, from a Cognitive Science perspective. Emphasis is given on a Connectionist view, according to which mental representations are emergent properties of the interaction between brain-like systems and structured light in the environment. We suggest that such a notion of mental representation indicates a way out of an ancient dispute between Representationalism and Eliminativism regarding the existence of mental representation in the human perceptual system.We develop (...)
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  32.  6
    Reimagining the Analogia entis: the future of Erich Przywara's Christian vision.Philip John Paul Gonzales - 2019 - Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
    This book is an introduction to twentieth-century Catholic thinker Erich Przywara, retrieving and extending Przywara's vision of the analogy of being as the metaphysical touchstone of a specifically Christian understanding of being. The author offers a detailed exploration of Przywara's thought in conversation with Edith Stein, the Nouvelle Théologie, and leading figures in contemporary postmodern theology.
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    The Role of Empirical Assumptions in Economic Analysis: On Facts and Counterfactuals in Economic Law.R. Gonzales & Edward P. Stringham - 2009 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 15 (1).
    How much of economic theory can be derived using pure logic and how much of it depends on empirical facts? In a provocative article, Hülsmann criticizes Mises and Rothbard for relying on empirical assumptions, ceteris paribus claims, and thought experiments in their analysis. Instead, Hülsmann proposes a counterfactual method that does not rely on any empirical assumptions and is said to produce universally valid claims. Upon inspection we find that many of his proposed laws are either inexact, incorrect, or must (...)
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    Über Die Echtheit Sämtlicher in Dem Buche Jesaia Enthaltenen Weissagungen. Ein Kritischer Versuch, Erster Theil.Adolph Friedrich Kleinert - 1829 - De Gruyter.
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  35. Hans Staudinger 1889-1980.Adolph Lowe - 1980 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 47 (2):201-203.
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  36. Herkunft und gestalt der Adam Müllerschen lehre von staat und kunst..Adolph Matz - 1937 - Philadelphia, Pa.,:
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  37.  11
    Repenser la critique du capitalisme.Moishe Postone - 2013 - Cités 53 (1):139.
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  38. El idealismo trascendental de Fichte y la fenomenología trascendental husserliana en una dirección convergente.M. Riobo Gonzales - 1995 - Ciudad de Dios 208 (1):129-180.
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  39.  18
    The sciences of design as sciences of complexity: The dynamic trait1.Wenceslao J. Gonzale - 2013 - In Hanne Andersen, Dennis Dieks, Wenceslao J. Gonzalez, Thomas Uebel & Gregory Wheeler (eds.), New Challenges to Philosophy of Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 4--299.
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    On the uniqueness of biological research.Adolph Portmann - 1990 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 15 (5):457-472.
    The significance of the behavior of biological entities cannot be fully explained in terms of the physical and chemical processes upon which contemporary biological and medical research depends. The characteristic proper of biological entities is that they are systems marked by ‘inwardness’, that is, a capacity to interpret meanings in order to reach goals. The significance of this characteristic is given in examples from the author's morphological research. Keywords: biological research, inwardness, organism CiteULike Connotea What's this?
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  41. Investigating Emotions as Functional States Distinct From Feelings.Ralph Adolphs & Daniel Andler - 2018 - Emotion Review 10 (3):191-201.
    We defend a functionalist approach to emotion that begins by focusing on emotions as central states with causal connections to behavior and to other cognitive states. The approach brackets the conscious experience of emotion, lists plausible features that emotions exhibit, and argues that alternative schemes are unpromising candidates. We conclude with the benefits of our approach: one can study emotions in animals; one can look in the brain for the implementation of specific features; and one ends up with an architecture (...)
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  42.  62
    Critical pessimism and the limits of traditional Marxism.Moishe Postone & Barbara Brick - 1982 - Theory and Society 11 (5):617-658.
  43.  8
    Holocaust som et hovedtrekk ved det tjuende århundrets historie.Moishe Postone - 2024 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 42 (1-2):351-375.
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    Towards Mindless Stress Regulation in Advanced Driver Assistance Systems: A Systematic Review.Adolphe J. Béquet, Antonio R. Hidalgo-Muñoz & Christophe Jallais - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:609124.
    Background:Stress can frequently occur in the driving context. Its cognitive effects can be deleterious and lead to uncomfortable or risky situations. While stress detection in this context is well developed, regulation using dedicated advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) is still emergent.Objectives:This systematic review focuses on stress regulation strategies that can be qualified as “subtle” or “mindless”: the technology employed to perform regulation does not interfere with an ongoing task. The review goal is 2-fold: establishing the state of the art on such (...)
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  45. Nouvel exposé d'économie politique et de physiologie sociale.Adolphe Coste - 1890 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 30:95-96.
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  46.  15
    Ideały moralne edukacji azteckiej.Irena Curyło-Gonzáles - 1988 - Etyka 24:105-122.
    The article is a continuation of a paper published in “Etyka”, vol. 21, Concepts of Man in the Náhuatlan Culture and contains an overview of the fundamental types of education provided by the Aztecs, with special emphasis on moral ideals. The investigation of Indian education not only furthers historical knowledge but also plays a role in the search of the origins of the specific religious, moral and behavioural expression of contemporary Mexico, due to the fact that some elements of the (...)
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  47.  12
    Teodycea historiozoficzna Augusta Cieszkowskiego.Irena Curyło-Gonzáles - 1978 - Etyka 16:147-161.
    The article discusses a concrete case of historiosophic theodicy, viz. the conception of August Cieszkowski, in order to present the structure of such conceptions and discuss theoretic and practical problems involved in them. The starting point of Cieszkowski’s deliberations on evil is a historical fact. To substantiate for his historiosophic optimism Cleszkowski must find not only the sense of the times in which he was living but must also explain the past, with all its moral evil: social catastrophes, misery, suffering, (...)
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  48.  24
    Histoire de l'etat-nation: de la politique d'intégration en amérique latine et en europe.José Gonzáles - 2005 - Diálogos (Maringa) 9 (2).
  49. On The Representational and the Presentational: An Essay on Cognition and the Study of the Mind (Benny Shanon).M. E. Q. Gonzales & M. B. Wrigley - 1999 - Pragmatics and Cognition 7:205-213.
  50.  18
    (1 other version)Postmodern Biology?M. Gonzales - 1992 - Télos 1992 (92):181-186.
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